Mastering is underway...and other little tasks in the works
Mark Wingfield at Heron Island Studios in the U.K. is currently working on getting the tracks for Resonance all tweaked up, squeaky clean and ready for duplication. In the meantime, I have been in communication with jazz writer, Scott Yanow who will be writing the liner notes for the album. Scott is a great jazz writer with an amazing amount of other jazz writer contacts and info on jazz festivals around the world. Anyhow, he's had some time to preview the music and we're going to do an interview on Monday - I'm pretty excited to take this next step. I've also been doing some of the less than glamorous, but all too necessary grunt work of figuring out the physical layout of the cd and registering my music with ISRC (these are embedded codes within each song file that track sales and individual plays/streams - I honestly didn't know about this technology until last week). Things are moving forward!
I even looked into getting those lunch boxes made. Ha.